Thursday, December 24, 2009


OK so I have never been very good about this whole written correspondence thing. I write many cards and letters in my minde while I go about doing the "wifely" things that need doing. Maybe it is the spelling problem,the dexliea,theADD/ADHD,or the fact that I must be a terriable friend. I have had a stack of Christmas cards that I carry from one room to another getting "set up" to write a note to each and every one of you. This year I have beautiful glittery "photo" cards that need a photo inserted. excuses, excuses,I don't think any of you need to see the wrinkels that Burton and I have added over the years and I do not have a complete photp of the Nelson tribe. My ink is gone from the printer so that lets out a combo shot.... I will get cards out. I think we all need to comunicate at least this one time of the year. I LOVE getting those newsy letters and picture cards. The words that say another year has passed ayet the Lord terries. I love my family and friends and former studentsand neighbors and I am so sorry that I have not expressed that enough these past years. You can finde me on Facebook and Twitter and 2 other blogs. I guess this is just a faster connection with those that I love. I will, I will,I will....

1 comment:

kdavid said...

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! We love ya! It is 27 degrees in Clare Michigan this morning. Feel sorry for us?