40 years ago I married my Central Michigan University Professor and the rest is history. We live in a dream world of retirement,freely traveling the world with homes on both ends (almost) of I 75
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Disney World Revisited
Since we are Florida Residents we try to get a membership to a Park every year, We have done Sea World,Bush Gardens, and this year it is Disney World. Our oldest Sons family has a season pass. We can just run over anytime Bryce has a day or two free (not as often as we would all like). This trip was only two days and one night but it was so relaxing and awesome. Charles is 14 months and he was just kind of awe struck. At the Nicholodean character breakfast he was not sure if he should smile or freak out at the friendly characters that came by for pictures. Kadence,4 1/2 years, was in her element and loved every minute.There were no waits in line more then 15 min and most you just walked right through. This was our first trip into the Animal Kingdom and we all loved it. Very green and fresh and lots of walking paths close to wild animals. Hopefully next sta will be at the resort right at this park with a view of the animals from our balcony.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Our beautiful Lake full of gators,turtles,and many varieties of fish
Everyone knows that Florida has been declared a disaster from the recent freezing temps. and most of our country will be affected by the farming losses of fruit and vegitables but... the fish kill is unreal and has zffected all of us that depend on local fish for our meals and sport. Years ago our ":Bass Lake" became a habitat for Tarpon even though it is fresh water/brackish. These beautiful LARGE fish fhave entertained our children and grandchildren for a decade. Yesterday the Mens Club had to put the boat in and fish out the losses as they are rising to the top dead. So sad..
Monday, January 18, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
We bought our little island home, from my dear cousins (they were all to young to live in this age restricted community), 10 years ago this month. My Uncle Cye Johnson was known all over the area as "the Orchid Man". He had a back orchid room almost as big as our home with a cieling timed watering system and all. Burton and I had both recently cancer surgery and were eager to live out our days in Florida surrounded by fruit,flowers,sunshine, and family. We have enjoyed way many more years then we ever dreamed and what WONDERFUL ones they have been. On Augest 13, 2004 Hurricane Charlie took that gardenroom and our lani and most of our siding away but my brother and bonus sister came from the Keys and our kids came 2 by 2 from St. Pete and put us back together again. Burton and I had moved just months before to a large home on a canal in the same community and planned to keep the garden home as a guest house for family and friends. That year we saw 4 more Hurricanes come through our island, cleaning up any loose ends that Charlie hadn't wiped out. I was able to save a few of my Uncles orchids and move them to our canel home. We still enjoy life and fresh fruit,flowers,friends, and family down here in Sunny Southwest Florida. We have always treated our home as a resting place for all sooooooo...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sunny,Cold Sawgrass Alligator Park
We didn't go over to Disney although it would have been fun as long as we had the "right weather" clothes. Bryce and Suria had things to do in the morning so we had a Bar-B-Q and then took the kids to the alligator park for the afternoon. Nice walk and lots of "wild sounds" to enjoy. Came home and Bryce, Kadence, and Burton had a campfire with marshmellos while Suria,Charlie and I stayed in the warm house.
Monday, January 11, 2010
A day if the Life of the Nelsons
Saturday, January 9, 2010
How cold is cold in Florida?
It has been a chilly week and our furnace hasn't been working but we "stuck"it out until our 2010 money went into our account. The repair man came and my worst fears came true the coils (both) are so pitted from the salt water attack of Hurricane Charlie(years ago) that they will no longer hold the reftigerant. To have central air we will need to replace the unit. The good news is the heater only required a transfer switch and is up and running. We will go"true old Florida" and be green with our open windows,fans,ice tea on the lani and skip the new air for this year. Bryce and Suria have been after us, all week, to come up to their warm house and enjoy the kids. Burton needed to teach Wednesday night at church and we needed to wait for Mr. Fix-it to get us up and running for the colder cold front that is on its way. We are now in St. Petersburg having a wonderful time. I go to AVEDA tonight and we may do Disney on Monday. Burton hopefully gets his bridge fixed (again )on Tuesday morning then back to Pine Island. We woke to sleet hittingthe roof this AM but the predicton for tonight is in the high 20's so I guess to answer the above question anything below 50 if your blood in thin :)
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